Without you, i am living like, i am dying,
with every breath i take, i breathe death and exhale my soul.
I dont have you by my side, my hands don't have a head to rest now,
I am free to live in a suffocated room of dying memories
A dark room, where my tears are the oil to the lamp of my burning heart.
I stiill go to the holy place, i used to visit with you,
for wishing, only to be with you,
Now I go , to wish a visit with the death,
because the pond next to the holy place,/
where you used to pour the holy water of the pond
on my head with your beautiful hands,
Now I dont have that hand, and that water would never touch my
head again, I guess.
So may be its my time to say good bye to myself
Cause its been a long day and a forever long night for me
but i still have not been able to catch on sleep
I have forgot, what sleeping used to be like.
Its has been months, when i would have wake up to the morn/
because for waking up, it demands to sleep
Everything has started to fade away, my dreams, my smile, my tears, my breath
I dont knw, if i am can still find the reset button to all this or not,
But somewhere i know, even if i get that,
i wont be able to hit it, because then,
i might have to start all over again
i dont know if i would be able to start or not,
but i guess, it would end again, but maybe not like this,/
I would like to staay and witness that,
but i have been awake for quite a long time,
and my eyes filled with tears,scarrying a burden of sweat on the lids and
gravitational force of the earth also failed to bring my eyelids down,
and my eyes have started dying too.
I would like to write more, express more,/
but now suddenly i have started to feel,
my brain has become light wight and
my eyelids have gained some weight,
I guess the overdose of sleeping pills are working
The box of pills said right, it works when we don't
SO NOW i am goin...like,.... iiiiiiii dnt know where......
i will seE If I caNM comEw Back.
with every breath i take, i breathe death and exhale my soul.
I dont have you by my side, my hands don't have a head to rest now,
I am free to live in a suffocated room of dying memories
A dark room, where my tears are the oil to the lamp of my burning heart.
I stiill go to the holy place, i used to visit with you,
for wishing, only to be with you,
Now I go , to wish a visit with the death,
because the pond next to the holy place,/
where you used to pour the holy water of the pond
on my head with your beautiful hands,
Now I dont have that hand, and that water would never touch my
head again, I guess.
So may be its my time to say good bye to myself
Cause its been a long day and a forever long night for me
but i still have not been able to catch on sleep
I have forgot, what sleeping used to be like.
Its has been months, when i would have wake up to the morn/
because for waking up, it demands to sleep
Everything has started to fade away, my dreams, my smile, my tears, my breath
I dont knw, if i am can still find the reset button to all this or not,
But somewhere i know, even if i get that,
i wont be able to hit it, because then,
i might have to start all over again
i dont know if i would be able to start or not,
but i guess, it would end again, but maybe not like this,/
I would like to staay and witness that,
but i have been awake for quite a long time,
and my eyes filled with tears,scarrying a burden of sweat on the lids and
gravitational force of the earth also failed to bring my eyelids down,
and my eyes have started dying too.
I would like to write more, express more,/
but now suddenly i have started to feel,
my brain has become light wight and
my eyelids have gained some weight,
I guess the overdose of sleeping pills are working
The box of pills said right, it works when we don't
SO NOW i am goin...like,.... iiiiiiii dnt know where......
i will seE If I caNM comEw Back.